VibWire-301 Datasheets & Manuals | Downloads

Product Description: VibWire-301- A single channel DIN Rail mounted vibrating wire sensor interface supporting 2 and 4 wire Vibrating Wire sensors.

Further Information: If you're looking for comprehensive information on the VibWire-301, you've come to the right place. Our VibWire-301 Datasheets & Manuals are available for download below, providing you with everything you need to know about this single channel DIN Rail mounted vibrating wire sensor interface.

With support for 2 and 4 wire Vibrating Wire sensors and a range of communication options including SDI12 and RS485, this is a powerful piece of equipment.

Whether you're interested in the 0-2 V DC or 4-20 mA loop output, our datasheets & manuals will guide you through the features and capabilities of this versatile instrument. Take a look and discover all that the VibWire-301 has to offer.

VW-301 Vibrating Wire Interface
Single Channel Vibrating Wire Interface VW301-DIN-01

If you have found yourself pouring over the VibWire-301 datasheets and manuals, and you still have unanswered questions, don't worry, our team is here to help guide you through any uncertainties. Whether you have a question about the product specifications, installation instructions, or anything else, our friendly and knowledgeable team is just an email away. So don't hesitate, reach out to us today and let us help you get the most of your VibWire-301.

User Manual and Datasheets

Our Datasheets & Manuals available in a variety of languages. Please select the language you'd like and download accordingly.

SDI12 |  RS485 | 0-2  V DC | 4-20 mA Loop Output | Communications

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Sometimes reading through technical documents like VibWire-301 Datasheets & Manuals can be a daunting task, especially if it's not giving you the exact information you're looking for. Perhaps you're on the hunt for something a little different but don't know where to look. If this sounds familiar, don't hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you find the specific product specification you need. At Keynes Controls we are experts in our field and are dedicated to providing exceptional customer service and ensuring you get the information you need in a timely and efficient manner. So reach out to us and let us help you find what you need.
At Keynes Controls we used the following sensor types: Piezometer, Arc weldable Strain gauge, Displacement Earth Pressure cell, Inclinometer, Rebar Strain, Dynamic vibrating wire, Uplift pressure